The Secret to Olympic Level Freestyle Swimming.

How Would You Like to Swim Like This?

Coach Slava
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Coach Slava
Coach Slava

Introducing Swimming Coach Slava Fattakhov’s Freestyle Front Crawl Swimming Program, created to do what other swimming lessons cannot do…
Teach you the basics of swimming in a week!

Hi, I’m Slava Fattakhov, a 4x NCAA All – American Athlete, Metroconference record holder and the multiple – time National Swim Champion of Kazakhstan.

I’ve spent nearly my whole life as a swimmer, competing with people like Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Nathan Adrian and other US/International Olympians. For the past 9 years, I’ve had an extensive coaching career too. I was able to work with different kinds of swimmers from those who wanted to learn how to swim, to collegiate and professionals, from kids to adults of any age.

I know you’ve seen swimmers like Michael Phelps in action and wondered, “how does he know how to swim so well? Perhaps you are new to swimming and want to get started, but are daunted by the prospect?

Michael Phelps

Maybe you don’t know how to swim and want to get started. Or you’re learning how to swim, and know a bit, but are still doing things incorrectly. Perhaps you’re a triathlon swimmer and know how to run and ride a bike but don’t know how to swim.

In fact, when people meet me, the number one question I get asked is, “how can I learn how to swim like you?” I’ll admit the one thing that I take a lot of pride in is my swimming accomplishments. The truth is, I work hard and am always learning.

Nathan Adrian

If you’re like me, you want to learn how to swim, but find that private lessons cost a lot of money. One private lesson can be anywhere from $60 to $200 or more.

This course is a virtual, cost – effective alternative to private lessons. My course costs $100, but is currently on sale for $50, which is less than the price of a single course.

Because so many people have asked me, I’ve taken everything I know and am teaching you how to learn swimming basics. In the course, I explain the basics of drills and swimming. Even if you’ve never swam before, you can follow my proven program and develop the swimming skills you’ve always wanted.

Trust Science, Not YouTubers!

Just going to the pool or watching videos on YouTube doesn’t lead to developing swim skills.

The proven way to learn how to swim is to take lessons from an expert – a swimming coach like me.

That is exactly what my swimming program does.

As an experienced coach and international competitive swimmer, I can show you the basics of how to swim in only four lessons at a fraction of the cost of in – person swim lessons.

Through my in – depth, comprehensive swimming course, you will learn the basics of swimming and water safety, as well as advanced swimming skills. Each 10-minute swim course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started.

Learn how to swim in a week! In just 4 10-minute lessons, you’ll learn how to do a front crawl freestyle swim.

Nathan Adrian
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps
Nathan Adrian
Nathan Adrian
Nathan Adrian

4 Lessons to Swimming Skills

As long as you want to learn how to swim…give me just 10 minutes a day and it will happen in four days!

Each day you’ll follow my carefully planned training program based on my years as a coach and international champion in swimming.

If you can commit to this program and trust my process for a week, you will develop the foundational techniques needed to swim.

Nathan Adrian
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Here’s How My Program Works

Sign up for my video swimming course and you will receive unlimited access to my online program.

You’ll gain the knowledge needed to do freestyle swimming, including proper breathing, kicking techniques, and stroke.

Each day you’ll spend only 10 minutes watching my online swim training. Then you will need to apply it in the pool. After each module, do one sess I’ll teach you the proper (and precise) techniques that world – class swimmers and divers use to breathe, glide, kick, and perform swimming strokes.

Once you learn my techniques and commit to my program, you’ll start to see and feel an immediate change in your swimming skills.

In each video, you’ll see me demonstrating essential swimming concepts. The modules are all taught by me, a swim coach for nearly a decade, as well as a 4x NCAA All – American swimmer and National Kazakh Swimming Champion. Follow along with them to scale your swimming lessons to your current level.

There are four, 10-minute modules in my swimming course

In Module 1, I will teach you proper basic technique.
In Module 1, you’ll learn how to float, glide, and breathe in water.

In Modules 2 and 3, you’ll gain skill with a kickboard.
In Module 2, Coach Slava will review the proper techniques for using a kickboard. In Module 3, you’ll take this knowledge a step further and learn how to use a kickboard to perform various swimming strokes.

In Module 4, you’ll learn the basics of freestyle swimming technique.
In Module 4, you’ll gain skills in freestyle swimming

Nathan Adrian
Nathan Adrian

My 100% Money Back Guarantee!

I’m so sure that you’ll learn the basics of swimming in four 10-minute modules that I’m offering a 100% money-back guarantee. Order my video swimming course today. If you don’t see remarkable results in 30 days, you will get a full refund. No questions asked. That’s how positive I am that you’ll see an incredible change in your swimming ability in 30 days!

Nathan Adrian
Nathan Adrian

Coach Slava Fattakhov

4X NCAA All – American Swimmer National Swim Champion, Kazakhstan

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Develop the skills needed for freestyle swimming in just four lessons.

Get started and improve your swimming skills today!